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Addiction Journal

Magazine No.: 2/2001

Alfredo Soares

No presente texto faz-se uma apresentação da terapia cognitiva da toxicodependência que procura integrar os procedimentos oriundos das abordagens cognitivo-comportamentais mais claramente validadas nesta problemática - a Prevenção da Recaída de Marlatt e a Terapia Cognitiva de Beck - com diversas abordagens mais recentes - a Terapia Cognitiva Interpessoal de Safran, a Terapia do Processo Experiencial de Greenberg, a Terapia Focada nos Esquemas de Young - à luz da Teoria Transteórica de Prochaska: o processo terapêutico é concebido como desenrolando-se através de diversas fases que correspondem a níveis gradualmente mais profundos de intervenção.
Palavras-chave: Toxicodependência; Toxicodepedentes; Prevenção; Recidiva; Tratamento e reabilitação; Terapia cognitiva; Revisão da literatura.

Ce texte procède à la présentation théorique de la thérapie cognitive de la toxicomanie, en essayant d'intégrer les procédés issues des approches cognitives-comportementales plus nettement acceptés dans ce domaine - la prévention de rechutes de Marlatt et la thérapie cognitive de Beck - on y ayant les approches plus récentes - la thérapie cognitive interpersonnelle de Safran, la thérapie de processus expérientiel de Greenberg, la thérapie focalisée de Young - sous influence de la théorie transthéorique de Prochaska: le processus thérapeutique comprendre plusieurs phases, en corrélation avec les niveaux graduellement plus accentués d'intervention.
Mots-clé: Toxicomanie; Toxicomanes; Prévention; Rechûte; Traitement et rehabilitation; Thérapie cognitive; Revision de la litérature.

This paper is a presentation of drug addiction cognitive therapy that aims the integration of procedures based on cognitive-behavioral approaches most clearly validated on this problematic - Marlatt's Relapse Prevention and Beck's Cognitive Therapy - with several more recent approaches - Safran's Interpersonal Cognitive Therapy, Greenberg's Experiential Process Therapy, the therapy mentioned on Young's Schemes - according to Prochaska's Trans-theoretical Theory: the therapeutic process is conceived as if it develops by different phases corresponding to deeper and deeper intervention levels.
Keywords: Drug addiction; Drug addicts; Prevention; Recidivism; Treatment and rehabilitation; Cognitive therapy; Literature review.
