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Addiction Journal

Magazine No.: 3/2002

Ana Romano, Conceição Rainho

Introdução - Neste estudo determinou-se a prevalência e factores associados ao consumo bebidas alcoólicas em adolescentes a frequentar o ensino secundário numa escola do Concelho de Vila Real. Participantes e métodos: Determinámos a prevalência de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas numa amostra de 614 estudantes com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 19 anos; sendo 321 (52,3%) do sexo feminino e 293 (47,7 %) do masculino. Análise estatística: Utilizamos a prova x2 (Qui-quadrado) com correcção de Yates, a prova exacta de Fisher para comparação de proporções e o teste t student para comparação de médias em amostras independentes; a magnitude da associação entre variáveis foi medida pelo cálculo de Odds ratio e respectivos intervalos de confiança a 95%, estratificando-se a amostra por sexo. Conclusões: As prevalências de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas aumentavam significativamente com o ano de escolaridade no sexo feminino e diminuíam no masculino. O consumo pelos amigos e irmãos são factores fortemente associados ao consumo dos adolescentes, sendo a prevalência superior entre os adolescentes que afirmam ter amigos ou irmãos com o mesmo hábito. Verificámos, que nesta amostra, o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e outros comportamentos de risco estudados, tendiam a agregar.
Palavras-chave: Adolescentes; Álcool; Consumo; Comportamentos de risco.

Introdution - Dans cette étude on a déterminé la prévalence et les facteurs associés à la consommation de boissons alcooliques chez des adolescents que fréquent l'enseignement secondaire dans une commune du Nord du pays. Participants et méthodes - On a déterminé la prévalence de la consommation de boissons alcooliques dans un échantillon de 614 étudiants âgés de 14 à 19 ans, dont 321 (52,3%) du sexe féminin et 293 (47,7 %) du sexe masculin.
Analyse statistique - On a utilisé le test du x2 (Khi-carré) avec la correction de Yates et la preuve exacte de Fisher et le t test pour des échantillons indépendants, la grandeur de l'association entre les variables a été mesurée par le calcul d'Odds ratio et respectifs intervalles de confiance à 95% en stratifiant l'échantillon par sexe. Conclusions - Les prévalences de consommation de boissons alcooliques augmentaient significativement avec l'année de scolarité pour le sexe féminin et diminuaient pour le sexe masculin. La consommation par les amis et les frères sont des facteurs fortement associés à la consommation des adolescents, la prévalence étant supérieure chez les adolescents qui affirment avoir des amis ou des frères qui ont la même habitude. On a vérifié que, dans échantillon, la consommation de boissons alcooliques et d'autres comportements de risque étudiés avaient tendance à s'agréger.
Mots-clé: Adolescents; Alcool; Consommation; Comportements de risque.

Abstract: Introduction - In this study we determined the prevalence and factors associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages in adolescents who attended the complementary phase of the Portuguese schooling in a municipality in the north of Portugal. Participants and methods - We determined the prevalence of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in a sample of 614 students, aged between 14 and 19 years, being 321 (52,3%) females and 293 (47,7 %)males. Statistic analysis - We used the x2 (Chi-squared) test with the Yates correction and the exacta test of Fisher's exact test to independent samples for comparing proportions and for comparing the means we use the independent samples t test. The magnitude of the association among variables was measured by calculating the Odds ratio and respective confidence intervals to 95%. The sample was stratified by sex. Conclusions - The prevalence of consumption of alcoholic beverages increased significantly with the increase of the school years in females and decreased in males. The consumption by friends and brothers/sisters are factors strongly associated with the consumption by the adolescents, being higher the prevalence among those that had friends or brothers/sisters who had the same habit. We verified that, in this sample, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and other risk behaviours studied tended to be together.
Keywords: Adolescents;Alcohol; Drinking; Risk behaviours.
